my game is coming Castles & Crusades. Yes, I know that recently I said the same thing but in the end I came up with a span of nostrils. Things to lead to a unpresentable who insist on having their own life. Have you ever seen? The good part is that as the game is ready, I can use the time to muddy all over house rules, this time about the experience. Plop, plop. And best of all, half of my players do not read the blog.
"The cider house rules."
The best movie about house rules filmed so far.
Castles & Crusades In the main source of experience points is the treasure, at 1 px for gold. The fact is that I am in favor of receiving as little money as px dead enemy. You undress one saint to dress another, transform your players kleptomaniacs psychopaths, as well to generate some pretty rare and that some monsters carry money when, frankly, will never use him. I do not see a bitch go to the market to buy dessert with the bag of coins has been removed that will be the starter.
On the right, step forward and say, "This is a robbery."
In Dragon Age Origins (which I'll talk more calmly as soon as I finish it) I found a way to provide px quite satisfactory and we could call ... Px finger! An excellent system because, ultimately, that's how you allocate all the important things in life.
Thus, we distinguish three types of meetings: combat (these heights do not need to explain), social (interaction with one or more NPC through which they get something without ending up with a face like a map), and exploration (traps, riddles, puzzles, travel, dangers natural research, compilation tracks, etc ...) and four levels of difficulty: routine (or you hair), easy (there has been little chance of failure), normal (the characters have had to invest resources and have suffered any injury or significant setback) and difficult (pa 'us killed him.)
Keep in mind that the degree of difficulty depends not only on the difficulty objective of the meeting, but how much they have suffered the characters to overcome. Maybe a group of kobolds should not give big headaches to the brave adventurers, but a series of disastrous run of the players combined with a series director of spectacular run of play just half of them in rehab, two months going to swim in the morning with a lot of ladies with hats with flowers.
Note that the reward is pj, ie, that exceed 100 px meeting is easy for everyone.
also referred to other dosfuentes of px as:
- 100 px by history, sheet of newspaper or correspondence with family, friends or employers.
- 100 px to that person whose intervention has been decisive in the session (if it were not for the magician threw that ...).
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