Could there be a more heinous activity at school that read: "Describe your classmate? Because if it was an Adonis was very easy, but if not ... had to choose words carefully: beauty is distracted, has a height below the average, an uneven look ... Unfortunately yes there was a hateful wording that the wording "Describe yourself", that if you were an Adonis was very easy, but if not ... your parents did not earn for psychologists. Anyway, I find the description is one of the literary world's most heinous, difficult. But not only difficult to write a good description, but is even more difficult for the reader not leave the reading to the third line dam absolute boredom. And yet, many of the considered masterpieces of literature is a description after another. Yeah, man, you know, masterpieces of literature ... these tables little book without random encounters, remember?
If she read Joyce, so can you.
is assumed that when creating a character to play the role you have to think of a description and develop their physical features, clothing, style, speech, character, etc ... This is often overlooked when we play at the table thanks to the millions of photos and images in Internet, some not even pornographic, and which has reduced the subgenus complex descriptive "My character is so" or, in a display of literature, "My character is well ... but fair." However, in the role of forum there is no escape and when you do play the presentations with a detailed description of the character, without cheating or cardboard. In addition, over all the messages you write will be the rare occasion that you do not have to go back to turbulent world of adjectives to make clear what it does, how and to whom.
My character is like that but with leather armor,
longbow, the largest eyes, hair long, dark, and no coat.
And aunt.
And now the crux of the matter: The description of our shortcomings are noted literary and it becomes clear who lacks vocabulary ... and who you do not. Because there are better descriptions too frugal, but sometimes you find that the longer descriptions in the ongoing adventure that expands on the people delight to the perfume they wear, the scar on the shin when herded with swing or the hue of their teeth. My advice? The usual, limited to what is relevant. If you can define a character three personality traits should be able to do the same with three physical traits. By this I mean that, if everyone already knows that elves are tall, slim and ethereal do not push the issue. Being tall, slim and ethereal only worth mentioning if you're a rolero.
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