Dragon Age Origins is the RPG Green Ronin based on a computer game of the same title published in box format, now how cool, with the intention of introducing in the scene role of all those unsuspecting computer game fans, who bought it thinking it was an expansion, and then take the sorpresaza when they opened the box and saw that there were only really big manual and a CD.
However, Dragon Age Origins has overcome all expectations and succeed in a market much harder than the game: rolero market. As an introduction to the role is flawless, enjoyable and light read, good illustrations and a few chapters on what the role, how you play and how they are targets for framing. Yes, I confess I have not played the game and perhaps that is the setting I found ... well ... there is, to have any, but not like to shoot rockets. However the highlight is, without doubt, the rules, which in Green Ronin baptized as AGE (Adventure Game Engine, did pilláis? Jua!). To some regulation is an exceedingly simple, but for me it is a complicated enough regulation. In fact, the AGE system seemed so good, he gave me a little sad that I have used to adapt a video game. I do not know ... Silicone is like putting an ugly, you can not help feeling that they have wasted.
Behind you!
Or, well ... In front of you! Because it is not clear which one is more dangerous.
Or, well ... In front of you! Because it is not clear which one is more dangerous.
thing that you has thrown up this first set is that only take the characters to level 5 and is taking too long to publish the second, setting the limit at level 10. So, right now, the world is crowded with individuals Ferelden level 5. Fortunately, Green Ronin has seen fit to publish for free on September 2 playtest of this LINK! , making available to staff new spells, backgrounds, and advanced rules and the possibility that the characters come to join the Grey Wardens. This not only honored, but it shows an intention to make things right.
Any case should not be long before it published, as they have already learned what will be the cover of the second box and have detailed content that is: two booklets of 80 pages each, reference cards and Thedas map centered Rivain Orlais and (as I have not played the game, I do not know what I'm talking about.) Cost about $ 40 of the wing and still has no definite date of departure.
How is affirmative action ...
how does that not leave a guy on the cover of a game?
say one alive.
say one alive.
The fact is that the Adventure Game Engine has left a strong enough community of fans who are adapting the system to numerous environments. Right now the Green Ronin forum is buzzing with ideas and input for developing a Starwars AGE and have posted occasional odd jobs such as the impressive Mystar, the Known world.
For those who do not know him lazy and look at the Wikipedia, Mystar atmospheres is one of the oldest in the D & D, first mentioned in ultraviejuno the Isle of Dread X1 . Adaptation in question not only recovers the atmosphere of Mystar but includes rules for using the AGE in virtually any setting of D & D. You can download Mystar, the Known World on this LINK! and freak out with the things that makes the rock. It is a work of shit by the feet down.