Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I-catcher-web Monitor

. The best games unplayable

Edited to include link to the page Edanna.

Today I want to show I can be as toadies like any other.

Edanna, one of the readers of the blog, sent me a module entitled She that in his own words,
"is a initiation module Dungeons & Dragons 4 th edition, based on the story of Peter Dickinson, "The Sorceress." Book published in Spain by Timun But under the title: "The dreams of Merlin" and illustrated by Alan Lee. "

Well, She has proven to be a currazo both editorial and layout and mapping, but its great merit is without doubt to be a lesson for those who revile the 4th edition of Dungeons & Dragons as a tool to play the role. Edanna (do not know the real name because the Internet are like the funky since we saw Matrix ) has achieved write a adventure in which interpretation prevails, the interaction with the characters and story, but rather sacrificing free will. History is on track too, which is normal given that it is the adaptation of a story. In addition, the poetic nature of the story sometimes makes little of conceptual and metaphorical, but hey, the important thing here is that this is a different adventure than what we are accustomed rolero aftertaste.

The story is about a people living under a blessing and a curse at the same time whose origin is a witch who lives deep in the nearby woods, leaving to the discretion of players to raise or perpetuating. would be framed within the genre of romantic fantasy, a genre that I personally quite asquerosete, but hey, it's a matter of taste, I am dirty fantasy.

Fantasy "without cleavage? But what the hell is this!
Do we have gone mad?

In short, a curious adventure, distinct and highly recommended it can also be adapted to any system because the important thing in She are not rules, but history. If you ask me, swear not saying that.

By the way, you can download this LINK! , or from Edanna page (it shows dedicated to graphic design) in that other LINK!


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