polls closed our last survey and pass the traditional celebration of the interpretation of data. It is striking the participation of 118 respondents. Striking, because they are more than the number of people in Spain rolero. To me that has cast a confused looking for pictures of aunts and says "As a porno site, crap, but since I've come to vote."
Thus, the question "How often do you like to enable them to manage?" This has been the response of rolero of Spain and a couple of pornófilos clueless (though not mutually exclusive concepts):
The next most popular option with 38% of the ballots (46) has been one of those voters do not care play from time to time. Stoically bear the weight of the fun of others and comply with the migajillas, sure you are playing those directors who do not want to kill the characters and they're saving the strangest ways you can find. Rabble! Faint-hearted! Out of my sight!
Secondly there has been a tie between Democrats and absolutist with 33 votes to "That rule, that rule" the work of the director of play (27%) from friendly people, civilized, with dreadlocks, the kind that recycle, and another 33 for those who confess that you always like to lead because others do it very badly, which logically extract that is a bunch of egotistical megalomaniacs Sanchez Drago left up to a kid with pimples and self-esteem issues. What comes to be a director ex officio game, come on. And although I (which is also going well servidito ego) I quite agree with that of others always do badly, from time to time is well give them a chance to try to overcome their limitations and learn to fly by themselves because one day you will not be there.
Finally, equal in votes, 3 of respondents (2%) went once and never again think, what they would do, and other 3 do not know what I speak when I say "direct" which is an index of sincerity only 2% across the survey.
Excuse me, do you have a moment?
I am collecting signatures against the free use and indiscrimidado
Photo hams without coming a story in some role blogs. Left
conclusion of this survey as well ... that contrary to what I thought is that there is everything in the vineyard of the Lord. What little uniformity in role-playing community, then leave us.
As always, adding the percentages leaves us only 96% instead of 100% which tend to have things when they are whole. Where is the 4% missing? Throwing a dick in house application designer Blogger surveys.
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